Christmas Cake (Cheat)

There is obviously not enough time to make a traditional fruit cake now. Dousing the cake in alcohol alone will take me at least a week! A non-alcoholic rendition might work for some but its flavor is not as rich and deep as the alcohol-soaked, aged traditional fruit cake. *sighs*
With less than 2 days away from Christmas Eve, I've decided to "play cheat" and took a shortcut by making us a banana cake! Banana is a fruit so technically it is still a "fruit" cake! Anyway, in our current kaleidoscopic world of pastries, not that many people likes fruit cakes any more, right? *self-deluding* >.<
What you'll need:

Banana Cake (any shape you like)
Fruits or Figurines for decoration
Snow Powder
Pinch of Cocoa Powder

1. Prepare Banana cake and let cool completely. You are welcome to use your favourite Banana cake recipe instead of mine.

2. With a little creativity, frost and decorate in any way you like!
You can also bake them in the form of cupcakes and share the <3 with a few friends like I did! Christmas is all about the giving spirit anyway!
You are welcome to use other things as decorations but personally, I think Banana cake with Strawberries and Cream can never go wrong!

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Eating to Live. Living to Eat!