
Crispy Oven-baked Chicken Wings

Who doesn't love deep fried chicken wings? Not me. I can eat them everyday if given a choice. But let's be honest... Deep fried food are not healthy and they should only be an occasional indulgence. Especially now, when I'm expecting, I find that a healthy diet is exceptionally important to one's overall well-being. 

Since the thing we love most about deep fried chicken wings is the skin, I sought out the best way to crisp up chicken wings in an oven!
Crispy Oven-baked Chicken Wings 

12 pcs    Chicken Wings
 2 tsp     Baking powder
 1 tsp     Salt 
 2 tsp     Rice flour
Pepper to taste

1. Pat dry the chicken wings. Mix all the dry ingredients together then add them to the chicken wings, try to coat them as evenly as possible and the best way to do so is with our hands.

2. Lay the chicken wings on a wired rack and place in fridge, uncovered, for at least 1 hour.

Preheat oven to 120°C
3. Place the wired rack with the chicken wings on a lined baking sheet, and bake for 30 mins. 

4. Increase oven temperature to 220°C and bake for a further 30-40 mins, turning halfway through, till they are golden brown and crispy.

5. Remove chicken wings and if you can resist, let cool slightly before serving.

If you like this recipe and would like to share it, please link to this blog post with its original contents. All recipes are created by me (unless otherwise stated) and require a lot of effort and time to craft. Crediting back is the biggest form of encouragement for me! Thank you! =)

Thoughts: In a nutshell, this recipe works by drying out the moisture in the chicken wing's skin. Baking powder raises the pH level of the chicken which in turn breaks down the protein chain of the skin and allows it to crisp more than it usually does. And as most of you already know, adding rice flour to the mix will help with the crisping too. But most importantly is the step of drying out the chicken wings in the fridge. Water and oil are not friends! 

I have purposefully left this recipe as a basic one, only to be seasoned with salt and pepper. Because any seasoning, herbs or dry rub can be added, be as creative as you want! For this particular batch, I've only added a pinch of chili and garlic powder, and they were already super duper tasty. Can you believe both of us polished off all 12 chicken wings?! 😆

This is amazing for a unbattered chicken wing but I'm not going to lie, it pales in comparison to a deep fried and battered one. Whether it is fair to make such comparison? I'll leave that to you. Just note that like most deep fried food, these will lose its crispiness when it gets cold.
Otherwise, just listen to that crispy skin! It's like some beautiful food music to my ears. Simply irresistible! I'm quite happy to chomp on these every other week until I come up with some other alternatives.

Till then, share with us your crispy creations on facebook or tag @whattobaketoday on instagram

All blog posts and photos are properties of WhatToBakeToday (unless otherwise stated). Unauthorized use and/or duplication of these contents, whole or part thereof, without express or written permission from this blog's author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to WhatToBakeToday with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. 


  1. Nice post! Looking forward to your next post on this topic!
    Chicken Wings in Abu Dhabi (أجنحة دجاج في أبو ظبي)

  2. Thanks for sharing this. You can also taste pizzas and chicken fries or wings in our restaurant. We also offer food takeout system to enjoy our delightful menu. You can visit the best restaurant for food takeout service and enjoy the delicious meal.

  3. Thanks for sharing this recipe. Please make sure to cook the chicken to the USDA recommended minimum temperature 165 Fahrenheit degress for food safety using a meat thermometer.


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