
Easter Cupcakes

Not a new idea, just wanted to share something relevant since it is Easter. These cupcakes are easy to put together. Bake some cupcakes and they don't even have to be chocolate flavored, some green-colored frosting plus these commercially available, cute, little, brown-speckled chocolate eggs. Voila!
Easter Cupcakes

Chocolate cupcakes, or any flavor you prefer
Green frosting
Cadbury Mini Eggs 

1. Bake the cupcakes according to your preferred recipe. Or use my favorite Chocolate cupcakes recipe
2. Once completely cooled, pipe "grass" onto the cupcakes using a grass piping tip (wilton 233). If you don't have one on hand (like this silly me), use a small round tip to pipe the individual grass blade. A little time consuming than using a star tip but I find the effect is nicer.
3. Top the cuppies with a few chocolate eggs and you're done!
Happy Easter!

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