
Fondant: Adventure Time

Since venturing with my sis-in-law, I never really have the courage to deal with fondant. There are too many potential pitfalls resulting in countless sleepless nights and mad rush for time, usually cutting it very close to the deadline. The mere thought of dealing with fondant makes me shudder with fear.
But today, 12th Nov, is my hubby's birthday! And he requested for an "Adventure Time" fondant cake. So there's nothing I can do, but bite my teeth and go with it.
After 4 days of grueling work, getting cross-eyed, sore arms, numbed fingers along the way, I finally had it done. Too much effort for me not to share the final product. All the fondant experts, please give me some pointers on how to do a better job next time (if I still want to go through it again >.<). 
The biggest problem I had was covering the cake with fondant; I couldn't smooth out the "elephant skin" without tearing the fondant altogether. Other than that, I thought figurine-making is fun, reminds me of playing play-doh during childhood.
I think I did alright given it was my first time, and no chance to go running to my sis-in-law for help. Thankfully, hubby loves it albeit commenting that Finn doesn't look like Finn, and Flame Princess is too fat. Oh well, blame it on my fat fingers! Heehee... Happy Birthday dearest! I will do a better job next year! 

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1 comment :

  1. Nice, I appreciate it. I want to take adventure products. Have you another site or blog about the adventure like, if have, share with me.
    Thank you


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