
Bread Monster (Halloween)

The Green Witch's Fingers and Bloody Eyeballs Jellies, which I've put together 2 years ago, received wild reviews, mostly for them being disgusting. They were a lot of fun from conceptualization to materialization, but regrettably, I wasn't able to create any last year.

So this year, you'll be sure I'll rack my brains for something. Before I go on with the disgusting food, let's kick start the party with some bread! These "supposedly-creepy" crawlies, tadpoles look alikes with their pudgy limbs and perpetually sticking out tongues, they will be the cutest Halloween party food ever!
Bread Monsters (Halloween)

A batch of bread dough
Hot dogs, sliced into half at an angle
Cream horn tubes
Few red beans
Small pieces of cheese

1. Prepare bread dough as per recipe. Divide dough into 60-75g depending on how big your tubes are.

2. Lightly oil the tube and wipe off the excess with a kitchen towel. Roll out dough into a long strip. Starting with the pointed end, roll the dough around the tube, pinch to close.

3. Roll out small pieces of dough as eyes and limbs. Attach them to the 'body' by applying a little water.

4. Let proof and bake accordingly to your recipe. You may bake the hot dogs at the same time but keep an eye on them, don't let them burn.

5. Have the cheese and red beans ready the moment the breads come out of the oven. Stick the cheese onto the 'eyes' while it is still hot, followed by the red beans. Let cool slightly.

6. Remove the cream horn tube when cool enough to handle. Stick in the hot dog and you'll have a little bread monster looking right back at you!

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