
1 Ingredient Ice Cream

Some of you may have already seen this recipe going around for some time. Perhaps a handful of you might have even tried it yourself. When I first saw this recipe last year, I thought: "This must be a hoax (forgive me, but internet hoax is ubiquitous)! Creamy ice cream from just B-A-N-A-N-A-S?! Where will the fat come from? If only it is that easy", and proceed to hitting the "X" button, regarding it as one of the internet myths that's not uncommon at all.

In preparation for last week's Tokyo Banana, I made a mad dash for bananas and grabbed the "2 bunch for A$5" bag because I don't know how much nana I'm gonna need, also don't know how much Tokyo Banana I'm gonna make before I get sick of eating it. With little suprise, you know I ended with a lot of leftover bananas (1 bunch has about 6-8 fingers). So it was back to the drawing board, umm.. laptop I mean. Wasn't before long when I stumbled upon "1 Ingredient Banana Ice Cream" again, heck I should give it a go since I have so many bananas, doesn't matter if it fails!

Then this happened. Creamy Banana Ice Cream.
This is voodoo. I froze (the remaining bananas) on the spot.

1 Ingredient Ice Cream (makes about 1 cup)
(recipe from the kitchn)

1 large ripe banana, about 130g
1. Peel and cut banana into smaller pieces, shapes and size doesn't matter

2. Freeze them rock solid for at least 2 hours or ideally, overnight

3. In a food processor, start blending the frozen banana pieces by giving it a few quick pulses first. It'll be loud, the bananas will look impossible to blend, the food processor might even look like it's gonna fall apart, but CONTINUE blending!

4. Scrape down the banana mixture and continue blending.

5. Continue blending I say.
6. A few more whizzes. Then suddenly, almost magically. you'll have smooth & creamy banana soft serve! Absolutely delicious to dig in right away. This will also be the time to mix in anything you desire (I added some chocolate chips!). Alternatively, you may transfer the mixture to an airtight container and freeze till solid before serving.
Thoughts: While this is not the most authentic ice cream in "traditional" sense,  there's no reason why anyone would dislike this banana ice cream. Well, unless you hate bananas to start with, of course. But that can be easily fixed by mixing in a dollop of Nutella or a big spoonful of Peanut Butter! the kitchn has suggested a few common mix-in ingredients like the chocolate chips that I've added, honey, cocoa powder, nuts and spices. But what I think will absolutely rock my palate will be Strawberries and Banana ice cream! Not only will it be delicious, it will "remain healthy". *wink wink* Try some, and tell me which is your favorite mix-ins!

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  1. I just stumbled on your site looking for a Tokyo Banana recipe and well, I am currently contemplating many, many recipes. This looks pretty interesting to try!

  2. Hey there! Glad you found my site. This is so easy to prepare, fool-proof, quick ice cream fix! Hope you'll try the Tokyo Banana (and many other) recipe soon too. Be sure to share your them with me. =)


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