
Hidden Heart Cupcakes (Valentine's Day)

The craze these days is all about pretty little cupcakes. I'm more accustomed to making rustic stuffs so when it comes to decorating or making pretty things, I'm still an amateur. Albeit slightly time consuming, this concept is perfect for me as no elaborate piping skills are needed yet they still have a "wow" effect for guests and is very suitable for occasions like Valentine's Day, weddings and birthdays! Yeah!
Although I've used "Maple Bacon Cupcakes" recipe for this particular application, you can use any other desired flavour or combination you like. Not many people are huge fans of sweet and savoury combinations. =P However, regardless which sponge cake and cupcake recipe are used, the flavours should compliment each other and contrasting colours will look nicer when cut.

Hidden Heart Cupcakes
  1 Sponge Cake, about 1" height
  1 Cupcake recipe

1. Prepare a basic sponge cake as per usual, but baked in a square or rectangular baking sheet. Let cool completely.

2. "Punch" out desired shapes from the sponge cake and reserve. The remaining scraps can be eaten. =D *yums* If preparing on different days, cling wrap the cut out shapes and keep in refrigerator.

3. Prepare your desired cupcake recipe as per usual right until before scooping them into the cupcake liners.

4. Make little markings on the OUTSIDE of the cupcake liners. This will indicate where to cut exactly to get a cross sectional view of the hidden shapes.

5. Fill 1/4 of the cupcake liners with cake batter, shake the tray slightly so the base of the liner is covered entirely.

6. Align the cut out shapes with the markings and place them carefully into the batter.

7. Fill up the liners with remaining batter till 3/4 of the way. Be extra careful not to tilt the cut out shapes.

8. Bake according to the recipe's temperature and timing. Test the area surrounding the cut out shapes for doneness.

9. Let cool completely, frost and decorate as per usual.
10. Cut up one of them where your marking is and show your guests the little surprise you put inside!

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  1. such a brilliant idea, Adeline!!

  2. Hi Grace, thanks for visiting my humble blog and your kind words. But it's not my idea. Heehee.. I saw it from a few other websites and love the idea as well! ^_^ Do try it, it's very simple. =)

  3. I tried these at the weekend with bright pink stars in the middle and when I posted a picture on my Facebook page I got the biggest response ever of Likes, comments & even was really funny the number of people who couldn't work out how I had made them!xx

  4. Hi Sharon, I'm so happy you tried them! It's very simple right? =)


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