
Spicy Dried Shrimp Rolls (Hae Bee Hiam Rolls)

Spicy Dried Shrimp Rolls (Hae Bee Hiam Rolls), an indispensable Chinese New Year snack, are essentially deep fried mini spring rolls with a spicy dried shrimp filling. Nothing fanciful. I don't know if it's the crunchiness, the spiciness or simply because they're so handy, Singaporeans just can't do without these little babies during CNY.

I made these about 2 weeks ago when I made a batch of Spicy Dried Shrimps. Then I caught a bad flu which crippled my blogging routine and rendered me useless.

The ingredients required are really simple. It's the rolling that makes them labour-intensive and attributes to the high price. 

Spicy Dried Shrimp Rolls (makes about 40 mini rolls)
   5       Spring Roll Skin, each cut into 9 squares
   1       Egg, lightly beaten 
1. Place a small amount of Spicy Dried Shrimps in the center of a small spring roll skin. Fold the bottom -> right -> left corners toward the center. Dab a little egg wash in the middle and the last corner before completing the roll.
2. Deep fry in Medium heat oil till golden brown OR "fry" them in an Air Fryer at 180ยบ C for 10 minutes, checking and shaking the basket halfway. 

That's it! It's done. I've forgotten to take a picture of the completed dish. Hahaha... If you decided to make any, remember to take a picture and share it with me. =) Have fun rolling!!

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1 comment :

  1. Thanks for the share! An alternative would be to make all these snacks yourself! Tried many shrimp rolls bought outside and I personally still feel the ones from Pineapple Tarts Singapore ( are the best, just my two cents. May I know how will I know if they are cooked? Definitely trying this recipe out for CNY!


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